Jorge Luis Borges bibliography
This is a bibliography of works by Jorge Luis Borges.
Each year links to its corresponding "[year] in literature" article (for prose) or "[year] in poetry" article (for verse).
Original book-length publications
This list follows the chronology of original (typically Spanish-language) publication in books, based in part on the rather comprehensive (but incomplete) bibliography online at the Borges Center (originally the J. L. Borges Center for Studies & Documentation at the University of Aarhus, then at the University of Iowa, now—as of 2010—at the University of Pittsburgh). The following list focuses on book-length publication of original work (including collaborative work): it does not include individual short stories, poems, and translations published in magazines, nor does it include books (such as anthologies of fantasy and of Argentine literature) that Borges edited or co-edited. It also excludes several chapbooks, privately printed editions, etc. of under 50 pages each and does not attempt to identify first publication dates of individual stories, poems, etc. ISBNs refer to recent editions, not original publications. (Many English-language titles and ISBNs still missing. Some of the volumes might be better classified in terms of genre.)
- Fervor de Buenos Aires, 1923, poetry.
- Inquisiciones, 1925, essays. English title: Inquiries.
- Luna de Enfrente, 1925, poetry.
- El tamaño de mi esperanza, 1925, essays.
- El idioma de los argentinos, 1928, essays.
- Cuaderno San Martín, 1929, poetry.
- Evaristo Carriego, 1930, a tightly linked collection of essays on the Argentine poet Evaristo Carriego. An expanded edition was published in 1955, with essays on other Argentine topics (ISBN 84-206-3345-3).
- Discusión, 1932, essays and literary criticism. An expanded version was published in 1957.
- Historia universal de la infamia, 1935, short non-fictional stories and literary forgeries (ISBN 84-206-3314-3). The edition of 1958 adds a prologue and several more literary forgeries. English title: A Universal History of Infamy, 1972, (ISBN 84-206-1309-6). Several web sources mis-attribute this as Historia universal de la infancia (which would be A Universal History of Childhood).
- Historia de la eternidad, 1936, essays.
- El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan, 1941, short stories. English title: Garden of Forking Paths, published as a section of Ficciones.
- Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi, 1942, comic detective fiction, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares, originally published under the name H. Bustos Domecq. English title: Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi, 1981. (ISBN 0-525-48035-8)
- Poemas : 1922-1943, 1943, poetry. This was a complete republication of his three previous volumes of poetry, plus some additional poems. Some of the republished poems were modified for this edition.
- Ficciones, 1944, short stories, an expanded version of El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan, 1941. The 1956 edition adds 3 stories. US title Ficciones, 1962 (ISBN 0-394-17244-2). Also published in UK as "Fictions", in a translation by Andrew Hurley. (ISBN 0-14-118384-5)
- Un modelo para la muerte, 1946, detective fiction, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares, originally published under the name B. Suarez Lynch. The original publication was a private printing of only 300 copies. The first commercial printing was in 1970.
- Dos fantasías memorables, 1946, two fantasy stories, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares. Like Un modelo para la muerte, the original publication was a private printing of 300 copies, with no commercial printing until 1970.
- El Aleph, 1949, essays and short stories. A slightly expanded edition was published in 1957. English title: The Aleph and Other Stories 1933-1969 (ISBN 0-525-05154-6). The English-language edition is an incomplete translation of the Spanish-language book, but contains an autobiographical essay originally written for The New Yorker. Borges's Spanish-language Autobiografía (2000) is simply a translation of this English-language essay into Spanish.
- Aspectos de la poesía gauchesca, 1950, literary criticism.
- Antiguas literaturas germánicas, 1951, literary criticism, written with Delia Ingenieros.
- La muerte y la brújula, 1951, short stories selected from earlier published volumes.
- Otras inquisiciones 1937-1952, 1952, essays and literary criticism. English title: Other Inquisitions 1937-1952, 1964 (ISBN 0-292-76002-7).
- Historia de la eternidad, 1953, essays, short stories, and literary criticism.
- El "Martín Fierro", 1953, essays on the epic Argentine poem Martín Fierro, written with Margarita Guerrero, ISBN 84-206-1933-7.
- Poemas : 1923-1953, 1954, poetry. Essentially the same as Poemas : 1922-1943, but with the addition of a few newer poems.
- Los orilleros; El paraíso de los creyentes, 1955, 2 screenplays, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares.
- Leopoldo Lugones, 1955, literary criticism, written with Betina Edelborg.
- La hermana de Eloísa, 1955, short stories. This slim book consists of two stories by Borges, two by Luisa Mercedes Levinson, and the title story, on which they collaborated.
- Manual de zoología fantástica, 1957, short pieces about imaginary beings, written with Margarita Guerrero.
- Libro del cielo y del infierno, 1960, essays and one poem, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares. Some of this material comes from Antiguas literaturas germánicas, 1951.
- El Hacedor, 1960, poetry and short prose pieces, first published as the ninth volume in his Obras completas (Complete Works), a project which had begun in 1953. English title: Dreamtigers, 1964. (ISBN ISBN 0-292-71549-8)
- Antología Personal, 1961, essays, poetry, literary criticism, some of it not previously published in book form. English title: A Personal Anthology, 1967 (ISBN 0-330-23345-9).
- El lenguaje de Buenos Aires, 1963, long essays, written with José Edmundo Clemente. The 1968 edition adds several new essays by Clemente.
- Introducción a la literatura inglesa, 1965, literary criticism, written with María Esther Vázquez.
- Para las seis cuerdas, 1965, lyrics for tangos and milongas. An expanded edition came out in 1970, but all of the poems in either edition can also be found in El otro, el mismo, 1969. Ástor Piazzolla composed the music for these tangos and milongas, the result of which was a record praised by Borges.
- Literaturas germánicas medievales, 1966, literary criticism, written with María Esther Vázquez. This is a reworking of Antiguas literaturas germánicas, 1951.
- Crónicas de Bustos Domecq, literary forgery/essays, 1967, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares. An odd book: deliberately pompous critical essays by an imaginary author. English title: Chronicles of Bustos Domecq, 1976. (ISBN 0-525-47548-6)
- Introducción a la literatura norteamericana, 1967, literary criticism, written with Esther Zemborain de Torres. English title: An Introduction to American Literature, 1971, (ISBN 0-8052-0403-2).
- El libro de los seres imaginarios, 1967, expansion of Manual de zoología fantástica, 1957, written with Margarita Guerrero. English title: The Book of Imaginary Beings, 1969 (ISBN 0-14-018023-0); the English-language volume is actually a further expansion of the work.
- Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges, 1968, with Richard Burgin, originally published in English. ISBN 1-57806-076-1.
- Nueva Antología Personal, 1968, essays, poetry, literary criticism, some of it not previously published in book form. This includes quite a few previously unpublished poems, and has very little intersection with Antología Personal, 1961.
- Museo, 1969?, poetry (ISBN 950-04-2413-4).
- Elogio de la Sombra, 1969, poetry. English title In Praise of Darkness, 1974. (ISBN 0-525-03635-0)
- El otro, el mismo, 1969, poetry, including a complete reprint of Para las seis cuerdas, 1965.
- El informe de Brodie, short stories, 1970. English title: Dr. Brodie's Report, 1971.
- El congreso, 1971, essays.
- Nuevos Cuentos de Bustos Domecq, 1972. Borges, a Reader, 1977, written with Adolfo Bioy Casares.
- El oro de los tigres, 1972, poetry. English title: The Gold of the Tigers, Selected Later Poems, 1977. The English-language volume also includes poems from La Rosa Profunda.
- El libro de arena, 1975, short stories, English title: The Book of Sand, 1977.
- La Rosa Profunda, 1975, poetry.
- La moneda de hierro, 1976, poetry.
- Diálogos, 1976, conversations between Borges and Ernesto Sabato, transcribed by Orlando Barone.
- ¿Que es el budismo?, 1976, lectures, written with Alicia Jurado, (ISBN 84-206-3874-9).
- Historia de la noche, 1977, poetry.
- Prólogos con un prólogo de prólogos, 1977, a collection of numerous book prologues Borges had written over the years.
- Borges El Memorioso, 1977, conversations with Antonio Carrizo (ISBN 968-16-1351-1). The title is a play on Borges's story "Funes El Memorioso", known in English as "Funes, the Memorious".
- Rosa y Azul: La rosa de Paracelso; Tigres azules, 1977, (short stories).
- Borges, oral, 1979, lectures.
- Siete noches, 1980, lectures. English title, Seven Nights.
- La cifra, 1981, poetry.
- Nueve ensayos dantescos, 1982, essays on Dante.
- Un argumento, 1983, (genre?).
- Veinticinco de Agosto de 1983 y otros cuentos, 1983, short stories (also entitled La memoria de Shakespeare, English: Shakespeare's Memory)
- Altas, 1984, stories and essays, written with María Kodama.
- Los conjurados, 1985, poetry.
- Textos cautivos, 1986, literary criticism, book reviews, short biographies of authors, translations. This book collects the columns Borges wrote in the popular Buenos Aires magazine El Hogar 1936-1939.
- This Craft of Verse, 2000, lectures, edited by Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, a collection of six originally English-language lectures by Borges dating from 1967-1968, transcribed from recently discovered tapes. (ISBN 0-674-00820-0).
There are also 1953, 1974, 1984, and 1989 Obras completas (complete works) with varying degrees of completeness and a 1981 Obras completas en coloboración (complete collaborative works).
Several bibliographies also choose to include a collection of previously published essays, published in 1971 under the name Narraciones.
Some web-based lists misattribute El Caudillo, (1921 novel), to Borges. It was actually written by his father, also a Jorge Borges.
- Los Orilleros (The Hoodlums) (published in Spanish 1955) (with Adolfo Bioy Casares)
- El Paraíso de los Creyentes ("The Paradise of Believers") (published in Spanish 1955) (with Adolfo Bioy Casares)
- Invasión, 1968, directed by Hugo Santiago.
Other works of note
- Los mejores cuentos policiales, 1943, with Adolfo Bioy Casares. Primarily translations of English-language detective fiction, plus one originally French-language piece and some Spanish-language pieces (including Borges's own "La muerte y la brújula").
- El compadrito: su destino, sus barrios, su música 1945, anthology of Argentine writers, including articles and a prologue by Borges himself, and articles by Evaristo Carriego and Adolfo Bioy Casares. Edited with Silvina Bullrich.
- Los mejores cuentos policiales; 2da serie, 1962, with Adolfo Bioy Casares. Primarily translations of English-language detective fiction, plus one of their own Bustos Domecq stories.
- El matrero, 1970. This anthology of Argentine writers, edited by Borges, contains several pieces overtly by Borges, but also contains three short Borgesian literary forgeries, "Un hijo de Moreira", "Otra versión del Fausto", and "Las leyes del juego."
- Libro de sueños, 1976, mostly translations and paraphrases of short excerpts from world literature. Some are narrations of dreams, some are about dreams, some merely dreamlike. There are a small number of original pieces and other Spanish-language pieces as well.
- Poesía Juvenil de J.L. Borges, 1978, a collection of poems written 1919-1922, with an extensive introduction (rather longer than the poems) by Carlos Meneses.
- Textos recobrados 1919 - 1929, 1997, previously unpublished early works, both prose (in a variety of genres) and poetry (ISBN 84-7888-337-1).
- Textos recobrados 1931 - 1955, 2002, previously unpublished stories, essays, poems, newspaper articles, book and movie reviews, etc. (ISBN 950-04-2326-X).
Short stories and prose poems
The translations of the titles are from Collected Fictions, translated by Andrew Hurley. The information is compiled from the Bibliografía cronológica de la obra de Jorge Luis Borges by Annick Louis and Florian Ziche. Not all of these works can be classified as short stories. For example, "The Dread Redeemer Lazarus Morell" is largely factual, but it reads like a work of fiction. Conversely, the fictional "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" is written in a style resembling an essay in literary criticism.
The groupings represent books in which these were first published; they are listed by the English translation of the original Spanish-language book.
Earlier collections
Spanish title |
English title |
Original Publication |
A Universal History of Infamy (1935) |
"El espantoso redentor Lazarus Morell" |
"The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 1. Buenos Aires, 12 August 1933 |
"El impostor inverosímil Tom Castro" |
"The Improbable Impostor Tom Castro" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 8. 30 September 1933 |
"La viuda Ching, pirata" |
"The Widow Ching -- Pirate" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 3. 26 August 1933 |
"Eastman, el proveedor de iniquidades" |
"Monk Eastman, Purveyor of Iniquities" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 2. 19 August 1933 |
"El asesino desinteresado Bill Harrigan" |
"The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 18. 9 December 1933 |
"El incivil maestro de ceremonias Kotsuké no Suké" |
"The Uncivil Teacher of Court Etiquette Kotsuke no Suke" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 18. 9 December 1933 |
"El tintorero enmascarado Hákim de Merv" |
"Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv" |
Crítica v. 1, no. 24. 20 January 1934 |
"Hombre de la esquina rosada"
(orig. "Hombre de las orillas") |
"Man on Pink Corner"
(also as "Streetcorner Man") |
Crítica v. 1, no. 6. 16 September 1933 |
"Etcétera" |
"A Theologian in Death" (1934) |
"The Chamber of Statudicks" (1933) |
"The Story of the Two Dreamers" (1934) |
"The Wizard That Was Made to Wait" (1933)
(also as "The Wizard Postponed") |
"The Mirror of Ink" (1933) |
"Mahomed's Double" (1946) |
"The Generous Enemy" (trans, 1946) |
"On Exactitude in Science" (trans, 1946) |
The Garden of Forking Paths (1941) |
"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" |
"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" |
Sur no. 68. Buenos Aires, Argentina, March, 1940 |
"El acercamiento a Almotásim" |
"The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim" |
Historia de la eternidad. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1936 |
"Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote" |
"Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote |
Sur no. 56. Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 1939 |
"Las ruinas circulares" |
"The Circular Ruins" |
Sur no. 75. December 1940 |
"La lotería en Babilonia" |
"The Lottery in Babylon" |
Sur no. 76. January 1941 |
"Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain" |
"A Survey of the Works of Herbert Quain" |
Sur no. 79. April 1941 |
"La biblioteca de Babel" |
"The Library of Babel" |
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan. Buenos Aires, Sur, 1941
"El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan." |
"The Garden of Forking Paths" |
Artifices (1944) |
"Funes el memorioso" |
"Funes the Memorious" |
La Nación. Buenos Aires, 7 May 1942 |
"La forma de la espada" |
"The Shape of the Sword" |
La Nación. 27 July 1942 |
"Tema del traidor y del héroe" |
"Theme of the Traitor and the Hero" |
Sur no. 112. February 1944 |
"La muerte y la brújula" |
"Death and the Compass" |
Sur no. 92. May 1942 |
"El milagro secreto" |
"The Secret Miracle" |
Sur no. 101. February 1943 |
"Tres versiones de Judas" |
"Three Versions of Judas" |
Sur no. 118. August 1944 |
"El fin" |
"The End" |
La Nación. Buenos Aires, 11 October 1953 |
"La secta del Fénix" |
"The Cult of the Phoenix" |
Sur no. 215-216. September 1952 |
"El sur" |
"The South" |
La Nación. Buenos Aires, 11 October 1953 |
The Aleph (1949) |
"El Inmortal" |
"The Immortal" |
"El Muerto" |
"The Dead Man" |
"Los teólogos" |
"The Theologians" |
"Historia del guerrero y la cautiva" |
"Story of the Warrior and the Captive Maiden" |
"Biografía de Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)" |
"A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)" |
"Emma Zunz" |
"Emma Zunz" |
"La casa de Asterión" |
"The House of Asterion" |
"La Otra Muerte" |
"The Other Death" |
"Deutsches Réquiem" |
"Deutsches Requiem" |
"La Busca de Averroes" |
"Averroes's Search" |
"El Zahir" |
"The Zahir" |
"La Escritura del Dios" |
"The Writing of the God" |
"Abenjacán el Bojarí, Muerto en su Laberinto" |
"Ibn-Hakam al-Bokhari, Murdered in His Labyrinth" |
"Una Leyenda Arábiga
(Historia de los dos Reyes y los dos Laberintos,
como Nota de Burton)" |
"The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths" |
"La Espera" |
"The Wait" |
"El Hombre en el Umbral" |
"The Man on the Threshold" |
"El Aleph" |
"The Aleph" |
Later collections
Spanish title |
English title |
Original Publication |
The Maker (1960) |
"El hacedor" |
"The Maker" |
La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 3. 1958 |
"Dreamtigers" |
"Dreamtigers" |
Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Diálogo sobre un diálogo" |
"A Dialog About a Dialog" |
Destiempo v.1, no. 1. October 1936 |
"Las uñas" |
"Toenails" |
Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Los espejos velados" |
"Covered Mirrors" |
Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Argumentum ornitologicum" |
"Argumentum Ornithologicum" |
Otras inquisiciones. Editorial Sur, Buenos Aires, 1952 |
"El cautivo" |
"The Captive" |
La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
"El simulacro" |
"The Mountebank" |
La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
"Delia Elena San Marco" |
"Delia Elena San Marco" |
Davar no. 50. Buenos Aires, January 1954 |
"Diálogo de muertos" |
"A Dialog Between Dead Men" |
La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. April 1957 |
"La trama" |
"The Plot" |
La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. April 1957 |
"Un problema" |
"A Problem" |
La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. April 1957 |
"Una rosa amarilla" |
"The Yellow Rose" |
"El testigo" |
"The Witness" |
Sur no. 247. July 1957 |
"Martín Fierro" |
"Martín Fierro" |
Sur no. 247. July 1957 |
"Mutations" |
"Mutations" |
"Parábola de Cervantes y del Quijote" |
"Parable of Cervantes and the Quixote" |
Sur no. 233. March 1955 |
"Paradiso XXXI, 108" |
"Paradiso XXXI, 108" |
Sur no. 231. November 1954 |
"Parábola del palacio" |
"Parable of the Palace" |
Sur. 1956 |
"Everything and Nothing" |
"Everything and Nothing" |
Versión no. 1. Mendoza, Autumn 1958 |
"Ragnarök" |
"Ragnarök" |
Sur no. 257. March 1959 |
"Inferno, I, 32" |
"Inferno, I, 32" |
Ciclón v. 1, no. 3. Havana, May 1955 |
"Borges y yo" |
"Borges and I" |
La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
Doctor Brodie's Report (1970) |
"La intrusa" |
"The Interloper" |
Sixth edition of El Aleph. Emecé, Buenos Aires, 1966 |
"El indigno" |
"Unworthy" |
Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"Historia de Rosendo Juárez" |
"The Story from Rosendo Juárez" |
La Nación. 9 November 1969 |
"El encuentro" |
"The Encounter" |
La Prensa. Buenos Aires, 5 October 1969 |
"Juan Muraña" |
"Juan Muraña" |
La Prensa. Buenos Aires, March 1970 |
"La señora mayor" |
"The Elderly Lady" |
Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"El duelo" |
"The Duel" |
Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"El otro duelo" |
"The Other Duel" |
Los Libros. August 1970 |
"Guayaquil" |
"Guayaquil (story)" |
Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"El evangelio según Marcos" |
"The Gospel According to Mark" |
La Nación. Buenos Aires, August 1970 |
"El informe de Brodie" |
"Brodie's Report" |
Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
The Book of Sand (1975) |
"El otro" |
"The Other" |
Imprenta de Francisco A. Colombo, Buenos Aires, 1972 |
"Ulrica" |
"Ulrikke" |
1975 |
"El congreso" |
"The Congress" |
El Archibrazo Editor, Buenos Aires, 1971 |
"There Are More Things" |
"There Are More Things" |
1975 |
"La secta de los treinta" |
"The Sect of the Thirty" |
1975 |
"La noche de los dones" |
"The Night of the Gifts" |
1975 |
"El espejo y la mascara" |
"The Mirror and the Mask" |
1975 |
"'Undr'" |
"'Undr'" |
1975 |
"Utopía de un hombre que está cansado" |
"A Weary Man's Utopia" |
1975 (Nebula award nominee) |
"El soborno" |
"The Bribe" |
1975 |
"Avelino Arredondo" |
"Avelino Arredondo" |
1975 |
"El disco" |
"The Disk" |
1975 |
"El libro de arena" |
"The Book of Sand" |
1975 |
Last stories; collected in Shakespeare's Memory (1983) |
"Veinticinco Agosto 1983" |
"August 25, 1983" |
Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 1983 |
"Tigres azules" |
"Blue Tigers" |
Editorial Swan, Barcelona, 1983 |
"La rosa de Paracelso" |
"The Rose of Paracelsus" |
Editorial Swan, Barcelona, 1983 |
La memoria de Shakespeare |
"Shakespeare's Memory" |
1983 |
- "Odin" (with Delia Ingenieros)
- "Partial Magic in the Quixote", Labyrinths
English-language publication
Borges's work was first published in book form in English in 1962, with the translation and publication of Ficciones (1944) and the collection known as Labyrinths.
In 1967, Borges began a five-year period of collaboration with the American translator Norman Thomas di Giovanni, after which he became better known in the English-speaking world. Di Giovanni would continue to be his primary English-language translator from that time forward.
Collections originally in English
This is a listing of book-length English-language volumes that are not simply translations of entire Spanish-language books; those are listed above.
- Labyrinths, 1962. This English-language anthology draws from numerous Spanish-language works.
- Extraordinary Tales, 1967, with Adolfo Bioy Casares. (ISBN 0-285-64712-1).
- Selected Poems 1923-1967, a bilingual edition.
- Borges, a Reader, 1981.
- Everything and Nothing, 1997, several stories from Ficciones combined with two lectures from Seven Nights.
- Collected Fictions, 1998. Translated by Andrew Hurley. ISBN 0-14-028680-2.
- Selected Non-fictions, 1999. Edited by Eliot Weinberger. ISBN 0-670-84947-2, ISBN 0-14-029011-7.
Book-length interviews
- Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges, 1969, by Richard Burgin
- Borges on Writing, 1973, edited by Norman Thomas diGiovanni, Daniel Halpern, and Frank MacShane
- The Borges Center has two very detailed (but still incomplete) Borges bibliographies.
- (Spanish) Annick Louis & Florian Ziche, "Bibliografía cronológica de la obra de Jorge Luis Borges" ("Chronological bibliography of the work of Jorge Luis Borges"). Borges Studies on Line, Borges Center. Accessed online 9 December 2008.
- (Spanish) Sergio Pastormerlo. "Bibliografía de los textos críticos de Borges" ("Bibliography of Borges's critical texts"). Borges Studies on Line, originally published 10 February 1999, J. L. Borges Center for Studies & Documentation. Accessed online 9 December 2008. A bibliography of criticism by Borges, and certain other of his works that Pastormerlo considers closely related to Borges' critical work. Most of these are short critical works and are not listed above.
- Jorge Luis Borges: The Complete Works, a collection of Borges bibliographies.
- The Floating Library has a complete English translation of Dreamtigers (a.k.a. El Hacedor), now freely available online in its entirety. Translated by Mildred Boyer and Harold Morland.
collections |
Other works |
Fictional works,
characters etc. |